Friday, October 8, 2010


From Neo Conned to CONned-CONs: Why do so few CONgressMEN ever become EX-CONS? This Post was inspired by arguably the most libtarded piece of writing I have read in some times. Conservatard writing is so frequent, the default for most most extreme is always nolo contendre. But most libbertarded of the year goes to

CONgressMEN WITHOUT CONVICTION. From Neo Conned to CONned-CON: Why do so few CONgressMEN ever become EX-CONS? This Post was inspired by arguably the most libtarded piece of writing I have read in some times. Conservatard writing is so frequent, the default for most most extreme is always nolo contendre. But most libbertarded of the year goes to Roger D. Hodge for his book The Mendacity of Hope: Barack Obama and the Betrayal of American Liberalism. Hodge hallucinates chimeras of the automatic imaginary deomocracy. He wonders why Palin and the tea Baggers call themselves conservatives when they are really ultraright anti-Americans. What he doesn't get is that Palin is just the pea under the shell game that both parties play while and aout of power. Palin, O'Donell, Angle are the distraction, like in a magician's trick. While you look over there, the CONgress-magicians passes a law allowing banks to escape challengers to their botched robo signed foreclosures. Obama didn't sign it. Yeah! Dumbocracy works. But the Banks already got everything they wanted anyway. The con-game continues. Everyone gets a get out of jail free card in case they some how manage to exhaust their preexisting condition of total indemnification.

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